s Inexpensive Flower Seeds Valentines - The Kim Six Fix

Inexpensive Flower Seeds Valentines

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I know I already posted another version of the "I love watching our friendship grow" valentine earlier this month, but I realize that not everyone wants to spend a dollar per valentine.  So this alternate version gives you the same CANDY-FREE sentiment but for about 1/5 the price. 

All you need is a pack of seeds (I got mine for 20c/each at Wal-Mart, and I also saw them at the dollar store for the same price) and some card stock. 

 I eyeballed the shapes, cutting a rectangle and a trapezoid just slightly wider than the seed pack.

I had a Happy Valentine's Day stamp in my craft supplies, but you could write it by hand (or print it along with your personalized message.)

I glued everything together with a glue stick: 
Now I have a confession.
I only tied the heart-shaped tag onto mine because I had leftover tags from the other version of this valentine...
...and I had already punched holes in them (shhhh.. I never said I wasn't lazy frugal!)

If I was going to do it again I would just glue the heart onto the Valentine, maybe even sticking out of the pot next to the seeds. 
It was a really easy, cost-effective project..  15 valentines for $3!  Cheaper (and a lot cuter) than store-bought!

Not a flower seed fan? 
 Check out my 10 most popular school Valentines! 
Top 10 School Valentine Ideas

100 FREE Printable School Valentines

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