Welcome to Day 2 of “Dollar Store Pumpkin Makeover” Week!
Monday I shared my Burlap and Twine Version, and today I’m sharing my Mini Wood Slice Covered Pumpkin. (Yes, those are hundreds of tiny 1/4 inch wide slices of wood!)
I wasn’t sure how much of the pumpkin would show though when I glued on the slices, so just like yesterday’s version, I knocked down the brightness of the orange with brown paint.
The process was super straight forward. I used a glue gun to attach them, one-by-one to the surface of the pumpkin. (It was easiest to put the glue on the pumpkin and set the slices down into it.)
It took about 2 hours to do this one pumpkin:
I wrapped the stem in jute twine (the same way I did it on the burlap and twine version)
I actually really love it. The texture and pattern and really pretty in person.
…and I love how you can see the teenie tree rings in every slice. Well worth the 2 hours and burnt fingertips!
Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for Day 3’s dollar store pumpkin makeover! We’re tackling Halloween!
Dollar Store Pumpkin Makeovers:
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