I recently found out that Disney On Ice’s latest was coming to the Bay Area and I wanted to come up with a clever way to pop the news.
I decided to leave a little note on the kitchen table so that when the girls came down they would find out. But I wanted something a little more special than a plain note, so I decided to create some custom frames for each of them.

Now, not only I can make the announcement in a special way, but I also will have a souvenir to hold a photo of each of them after the show.
Creating the frames was a piece of cake. First I found some wide flat frames (on sale since they were an obnoxious Cheeze-Ball Day-Glo high gloss orange) at the discount store:

I roughed them up with a little sandpaper:

I used some multi-surface paint in the colors I actually wanted:

For Mickey I used bright red and for Minnie I used bubblegum pink:

Next I cut some circles out of white vinyl and stuck them all over the frame.

I personalized each frame with the girls’ names. (This is the free
Waltograph font)

I also cut out two sets of ears and added a bow on Minnie. This was my first attempt of layering vinyl and I definitely need practice!

The final versions are pretty cute.. and the kids are going to be SO EXCITED!
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