The Answer:
Galvanized Steel Roof flashing
If you aren’t crazy enough to have galvanized roof flashing in your garage, I have seen other similar projects which use things like dryer duct or even aluminum cans. Or you can spend the $3 and get 10 feet of flashing. Enough to make.. (steps away to do math.. 4x3 inches/foot x 2 tags per 3 inches x 10 feet…) 80 tags!!
Next I went on the internet and looked for inspiration. I found these great (simple) tags from the LA Unified School district and knew they would be perfect to copy. .
I used my tin snips to cut the flashing (this stuff is so thin it was actually pretty easy)
I also cut off the corners (for both decorative and safety reasons.)
I used some 120 grit sandpaper to knock down the razor sharp edges. (This step is important! Don’t skip it)

If you want to make your own tags:
HERE is the .STUDIO silhouette file.
HERE is the .SVG File
Next I needed holes to hang the tags. It is possible you could use a hole punch for this (but I didn’t want to risk it) so I just used a phillips head screwdriver and a hammer.
Worked like a charm! (And it is really starting to look like a vintage tag!)
Next I had to add the actual text. I created these graphics in photoshop. I replaced Los Angeles with San Francisco.. since well, that is closer to where we live! Then I imported the graphics into my Silhouette to cut them out of vinyl.
If you want to make your own tags:
HERE is the .STUDIO silhouette file.
HERE is the .SVG File
This file is FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. You cannot use it commercially and and do not share the file, but instead send people the link to download the file directly. If you use the file for a project you share online, please credit and/or link back to me.
I used some Oracal 651 (permanent black vinyl) and it actually went pretty well.
I did lose the centers of a few of the smaller letters (A’s and R’s) but when you see how tiny these letters really are, it is pretty reasonable:
(Yes, i use the back of my hand to hold all the weeded out vinyl!)
I transferred the labels onto the tabs and that was all there was to it! Instant Vintage Locker Tags!!
I can’t wait to share the entire project with you in my next post! Make sure you come back and check it out.