Since this is Memorial Day weekend I am sharing a patriotic flag craft. I’ve seen really cool cross stitched peg board creations on Pinterest, where people have used yarn or twine to actually stitch the pegboard, but I wanted a faster and easier way. So I decided I would just paint the ‘stitching.'
The supplies are simple.: Pegboard (mine is left over from my workshop project), craft paint and fine paintbrushes.
I marked the pegboard lightly with pencil before I began painting so I would know which rows went where.
Even though it was better than actually threading yard though the holes, it still took a while. It definitely went faster (especially on the large areas) when you did all the stitches in one direction, and then came back and crossed them in the other. The way you would do with real stitching. The end product was pretty cool if I do say so myself. I originally didn’t know how large I wanted to make the board so after the painting was finished I had to cut it down.
It was pretty easy to it. I just flipped it over, marked where I wanted to cut it:
Got out my circular saw and my Kreg rip cut and went to town.
I hung the final product on the back fence.. so when we barbaque out there this weekend we are in the patriotic mood! I think it looks cool. And now my mind is churning with all the other ideas for things I could ‘cross stitch’
In case you are interested in creating your own Pegboard project, this will get you started:
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