It wouldn't be halloween if I didn't create at least a few dollar store pumpkin makeovers, and this year is no exception. Once I again I swung down to the dollar store, picked up some styrofoam pumpkins and masked the day-glo orange color with a fun redesign.
Since my pumpkin topiary a few years ago became a huge hit on Pinterest, I decided to do a new and more funky version this year. Black and Orange and FEATHERED!!

The process was really similar to the first topiary: I removed the stems from 2 of the 3 pumpkins and painted them with Rust-Oleum’s chalkboard paint.

It took two coats to get them completely black.

Once they were dry, I stacked them on a bamboo skewer and I used a glue gun to add an orange feather boa between each pumpkin. There was one casually in this process. My trusty glue gun came away looking like an exotic orange turkey:

But the final project was so darling:

I wrote “B - O - O” on the pumpkins, with a chalkboard marker. To get the letters exactly where I wanted them, I first sketched them with pencil:

I added the pumpkins to an old cast iron urn I had, but I know you can buy inexpensive plastic versions that would work perfectly as well.

I love the bright orange and black color combo.

Another fun, inexpensive halloween dollar store craft.

Of course, if you liked this pumpkin topiary, you probably would also like the original one I made a few years ago: