I will confess I had never heard of this delectible delight until recently. Some fellow moms in a my local mother's group told me about it, and I had to try it for myself. There are many many versions but basically you mix snow with milk, sugar and flavor and you wind up with a cross between ice cream and shave ice.
For our specific trial, we settled on Paula Deen's food network recipe.
The snow we had here was wet and heavy and quite dense. If I were going to do it again, I would use less snow since I think the recipe means 8 cups of light fluffy snow. It was a little icy for my tastes, but it was still good.
Here is a quick and dirty how-to:
Add the whole can plus 1 tsp. vanilla
The recipe makes TONS (at least 9 cups) and it says to eat it immediately. After eating our fill, we still had a lot left over so I threw it in the freezer and although it was a bit more solid the next day, when you scraped it up with a spoon it tasted pretty much the same and regained most of the fluffy texture.