s Silver Serving Tray Chalkboard (Tutorial) - The Kim Six Fix

Silver Serving Tray Chalkboard (Tutorial)

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I have been wanting to do this project for a really long time but I was never able to find a nice silver plate tray at the thrift shop. With an upcoming party I really wanted to find one so I could make a chalkboard menu board.  Luckily, this week, my wait paid off. 
I found the perfect tray:

It was actually an old golf trophy.  Engraved on it was:
"VHC 1993
 Mixed Mens 
3rd Flight 
It was pretty scratched up, and on sale for $4.  It was PERFECT.

First thing I did was tape off the edges:

And then used a razor blade to trim the tape around the scalloped edges so that the chalkboard would cover the complete flat surface of the bottom of the tray:

Before spraying make sure the cut edges of the tape are really pressed down really well:

Then I took it outside and sprayed it with 3 coats of chalkboard paint:

After removing the tape it looked great but it needed one more thing:

A quick polish:

It was so pretty!
All I had on hand was a giant stick of sidewalk chalk, so the writing wasn't my best work, but as soon as I run out for some chalkboard chalk I will all ready to tackle my serving menu!

Total cost for project: $8 ($4 for the tray and $4 for the paint)
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  1. Love it!!!I would have never thought of this:)

  2. this is awesome!

    enjoy *~*

  3. This is so cute! I saw you at Debbiedoo's pinterest party and I just pinned this! Also you latest follower! Hope you come over to my blog too! www.mendezmanor.com

  4. Wow I love it! So pretty!

  5. You have been pinned. I have done this once, but wish I had your tutorial when I did.

  6. This is stunning! Such a great idea for a party - especially a winter party as yours looks just like a giant snowflake. Love this and am pinning right after I type this!

  7. So pretty! I would love for you to share this or any of your great ideas at the link party going on now (and every Saturday - Tuesday) at 'Or so she says ..." We've also got a fun Christmas Wish List Giveaway going on which includes a chance to win a Blend Tec. Hope to see you there! www.oneshetwoshe.com

  8. Shelly~minettesmaze.blogspot.cAugust 16, 2013 at 6:38 AM

    That's fantastic! I have yet to try the spray paint chalkboard paint. Looks like it worked pretty well for you! Thanks for sharing on CSI Project "Thrift Store Turnaround"!!

    Shelly @Minettesmaze

  9. I've had my eye out for a tray to make a tray like yours. You found the perfect piece. Thanks for sharing with this week's Throwback Thursday party.


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