of our family pastimes in the summer is good All-American baseball.
We not only love to attend some pro and semi-pro games in our area,
but also
both of the girls play softball and/or t-ball during the late spring
and early summer.

this year when my 7 year old had a season wrap-up party and I was
assigned a dessert to bring, I HAD to make little baseball
cupcakes. The problem was I had a 3 week old at the time, and there
was no way I could dedicate a lot of time to whipping something up
from scratch.
Pillsbury. I was able to find a red and white cake mix, white
frosting and a Wilton Icing Writer in bright red. Except for the
baking and actual decorating, everything was done for me.

quickly baked up 2 dozen cupcakes

simply frosted them in white, and then added the red stitching lines

frosting writer made it easy since I didn't even have to drag out my
food color or piping bags. The stitches were just two arches with
little carrots(?) running along them?

stacked them on my cupcake display tower, and ta-dah! Less than 30
minutes worth of work, and about $6 in supplies, I had some pretty
custom looking cupcakes!
