s Beadboard Halloween Sign - The Kim Six Fix

Beadboard Halloween Sign

I am finally getting around to putting my exterior Halloween decorations up.  I am actually not one of those bloggers who works a season in advance.  I normally post my projects in "real time."  (The truth is that I'm not that organized!) So projects you see on my blog today, were most likely something I actually worked on this week.  That was the case with this project.

Anyhow.. This year I decided to stay with the silhouette theme and designed a big beadboard sign for the front walk. 
This is made from another remnant of the beadboard ceiling in the powder room (just like the Pottery Barn style beadboard flag I used for the Fourth of July).

I used 4 colors of craft paint (yellow, orange, red and black.)  I poured the paint directly onto the beadboard and blended the colors as I went.

I let the background dry before I added the lettering and tree silhouette.

For the lettering, I used the method I used on the garage door. (I really should invest in a cutting machine, since doing this with vinyl stickers would have been a lot quicker!)  

First printed out the text I wanted:

 Then colored the backside of the paper with pencil to create my own "tracing paper"

Then I traced the letters on the beadboard, using a sharp pen and a fair amount of pressure:

I went back and colored them in with a black Sharpie.  

Next I added a tree with black paint.  I did it freehand, and while holding my squirmy 5 month old on my lap.  It isn't exactly how I wanted it, but it was good enough.  If you don't think you could freehand it, you could always print a silhouette off and repeat the technique used for the lettering.

To hang it I repeated the technique I used on the beadboard flag of drilling two small holes and inserting and tying off a piece of twine.

Lastly I sprayed the entire thing with 2 coats of high gloss clear finish.  Because this is going to hang outside, and the paint is water soluble, I wanted to make sure it didn't wash away.  

I hung it on the house, next to the front walk, and added some fall mums to an apple basket on a step stool, along with a watering can and another (store bought) sign.

I may be waiting until the last minute to get my halloween stuff up, but at least the trick-or-treaters will know we're open for business!

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1 comment :

  1. Super cute sign! I love how you used bead board...very creative! Thanks so much for stopping by chapter37 and for your kind comment!


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