Before I start this post I just want to thank everyone who took the time to enter my Pennington Garden's Home Depot Gift Card giveaway! I have contacted the
winner and will publicly reveal their name as soon as I hear back! Now.. on to HALLOWEEN KIDS' CRAFTS!
Halloween is a great time of year for crafts, especially for things the kids can help with. Here are a few of the projects I have done with my kids in years past:
I had to help cut though the sticks of the cotton swabs for these Cotton Swab Skeletons, and it helped to have an example for them to copy, but the kids still really loved making these:

Kids can help draw faces and paint milk carton lids for these Milk Carton Jack O'Lanterns which were a big hit last year:

My kids love playing with the beans and lentils in this Halloween Vase Filler. Plus I let them sort and seperate all the beans after halloween is over, which saves me a ton of work

This Doily Leaf Wreath is a great way to teach kids about repeating patterns. Although I used a hot glue gun to assemble mine, you could use a paper backing and school glue to make this a kid friendly project:

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