In the spirit of my other posts this week, I thought for this week's Flashback Friday, I would feature past Valentine's Day Projects from years past. The original posts can be found by clicking on each project title.
First up, are the school Valentines we have used in preschool, kindergarten and first grade:
Flower Growing Kit Valentines
The tag says: "I love watching our friendship grow" The mini-pot, seeds and soil kits were from the Target dollar spot. A perfect candy-free Valentine.
The tag says: "I love watching our friendship grow" The mini-pot, seeds and soil kits were from the Target dollar spot. A perfect candy-free Valentine.
This is a variation on the flower growing kits. In a classroom with lots of children, you may not want to spend $1 on each card. By using the seed packet (which I got at the discount store for 10 cents each) you can make dozens of valentines for under $5.
Since Swedish Fish are one of my daughter's favorite candies, I knew we had to make a version of this "I'm so happy we are in the same school" valentine. You could also use goldfish crackers if you want to avoid sugary treats.
These were our first homemade school Valentine. "Have a happy Valentine's day for crayon out loud!" (Look at that watermark! Not only was it featured on my old URL, but I still had BLOGSPOT in the title! HA!) My favorite part of this project was that it got rid of all those little broken crayons that I couldn't bring myself to throw away.
And of course, my Valentine's day wouldn't be complete without a decorated mantle:
This was the year that I lived on $20 a week for the entire month of January. Because of that my mantle featured only things I had lying around the house or could get for free. Branches, paper pom poms and of course..
my beloved Paint chip garland that I have used every year (including 2014)
Finally, that brings us to last year's mantle, in which I reused the paint chip garland (this time cut up) along with a new dollar store felt garland (which I used again this year on my quick and easy wreath.) and my silver tray chalkboard.

It is always a riot to look back and old projects: the good, the bad and the ugly!
Such cute ideas!