May? May? How did it suddenly become May?
It is warming up here (I can’t believe it got into the high 90s this week!) and it definitely feels like summer is knocking at the door. April was a pretty busy month with lots of different Projects. Today’s Flashback Friday features a few of my favorites, as well as lets you in on you a little sneak preview for what is on the agenda for May.
You know what was really strange? When I was compiling this month posts for this round up I realized I didn’t publish a single recipe this month. I mean, I DO try to be mainly a DIY blog, but people gotta eat! I try to include at least 1 or 2 recipes every month just to mix it up. So weird how that all worked out. Unless of course you are counting the polka dot birthday cake:

I dunno.. technically Ms. Pillsbury came up with that recipe.. I just executed it.
Anyhoo.. I did do some pretty fun stuff this month, even if there were no bacon or brussels sprouts involved.
First a couple of room makeovers:
The girls’/guest bathroom:

I also got crafty this month repurposing things like Ikea Cabinet doors:

And old side-of-the-road trash filing cabinets:
And making secret messages using Nautical Signal Flags:

Next week is Teacher Appreciation week and it isn’t too late to make a quick one of these freebie crayon vases (well.. as long as you are willing to eat a lot of Jelly really really fast):
And of course, April was all about Easter. It was pretty fun in our house this year. I am having to get trickier and trickier at hiding eggs since the girls are getting better at finding them. I’m not going to link up all the Easter posts here, since I already did a round up of them earlier, and you can always find them under the “Holidays >> Easter/Spring” tab in the drop down menu at the top of the page.

Lastly, there were some blog related things happening around here. I’m getting ready for BlogHer (and Haven!)
And I have decided to work on meeting more people over on Google+ since Facebook thinks I want to live in a isolation bubble!

So what is on the agenda for May?
Well… RECIPES! I have some great slow cooker asian pork chops I can’t wait to share.
And I have the huge task of replacing all the door hardware in the house (if you follow me on Instagram you have seen this already):
Yeah.. that is a lot of door knobs! I hope to have a few more fun crafts and teacher appreciations ideas posted shortly. Busy. busy. busy!
I hope you’ll stick around!
Adorable baby AND cake!!