Yes, a little movie! In it I'll show you how to engrave plastic ornaments so you end up with these amazing creations:

And then, once you have them engraved, you can actually LIGHT THEM UP and they get even more amazing:

Yep, a dollar store plastic ball ornament, a string of lights and a Dremel tool are all you need!

And this project doesn't have to be only Christmas oriented. You could carve orange balls with jack-o-lantern faces for Halloween, or personalize them for a birthday or special occasion:

So how did I do it?
If you don't have one yet, you can find dremel multi function tools at Home Depot or Amazon for about $50. This is a great starter project to get your feet wet. Check it out:
FAQs: I've had a lot of people ask about where I found my ornaments and lights.
The lights are easy. You can find similar ones HERE on amazon. You need the "tiny" size to fit through the opening of the ball.
The ornaments are from the dollar store, but I have noticed that this year the interiors of the same ornaments are grey not white To check, just remove the gold hanger from the ornament. The plastic should show there and you can tell if it is white. I don't have a direct link for ornaments online.