Welcome to Day 4 of “Dollar Store Pumpkin Makeover” Week!
If you are just joining us, here is the collection of the pumpkins we have featured thus far:
And since this is Flashback Friday, I thought I would revive the post that started it all. The granddaddy of dollar store pumpkin makeovers: My Trick Or Treat Pumpkin Topiary.
Back in 2013, this was my first foray into dollar store pumpkin makeovers. I had my little helper by my side and with some paint, a skewer, some floral moss and stick-on letters (this was before I had a Silhouette), and here is what we came up with:

If you would like the detailed steps of how we did it, you can view that original post. In case you are curious, I've stored this topiary (off it's base) for a full year and I took it out earlier this week. It is still in good shape. I was surprised to be honest, I thought the moss would fall off and detiorate, but it didn't.
I may take off those words and try something new this year.. but you'll just have to wait and see.