I am squeezing in under the wire here.. A week from tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I just now getting my mantel finished. Granted, I’ve had all the components for they baby done for weeks now, but you know how that is.. the room was always too messy to actually photograph it! #keepingitrealwithkimsix
The rest of the mantel is also filled with my DIY creations. The apothecary jar is full of my three-dimensional vellum heart garland I made last year and used on a the mantel. And I added my wood shim heart I made earlier this year.
The garland is made of the glittered book page hearts I also created especially for this year:
I love it even when it isn’t lit up.
I added a few dollar store glittered hearts to both the mantel and the shelves, and I called it “finished.”
Wishing you and your sweetheart a very loving Valentine’s Day!!
Don't miss all my other Valentine's Day Mantels: