Today’s post is a little different and a LOT of awesome. Because at this time next week, I’ll be at the SNAP conference in Salt Lake City, I knew I wouldn’t be able to a get a bunch of new projects up on the blog.. so instead I thought “what if I featured THE BEST posts from some other awesome bloggers?” Wouldn’t that be just as good even better?

Today we are meeting the first three. They are all DIY and Decor bloggers, but they are also a lot more!
First up, let me introduce you to Susan from Homeroad.
I have actually read Susan’s blog for a while now. She is a blogger, like myself, that has been around the DIY blog world a long time and her projects are always so down to earth and fun to read about.
I asked Susan a few questions about her blog:
What makes Homeroad unique? "Homeroad is unique because it is about repurposed items. I create objects for the home from cast offs.”
And what can you expect of Susan in the future? "My plans are to stay the course. To have more time in the future to continue creating and selling my repurposed items.”
People are knocking down her door to read her “Build a Firepit” post (which is sounding like a really great idea now that summer is here and her commentary about the whole experience has me chuckling!)
Susan’s favorite post is this Ikea Cart Hack, and now that I see it, I totally understand why.
You can read more on Homeroad or find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
The next blogger I’m excited to introduce to you today is Kathleen from Charm Bracelet Diva At Home.
She is another blogger that isn’t new to the scene, having blogged since 2009. She does a lot of knock off projects (which you know *I* love) and she has that charming vintage aesthetic that is so popular right now.
Her most popular post was this beautiful DIY Pottery Barn Storage Ladder (which I am actually really crushing on!)
But if you asked Kathleen which post holds a special place in HER heart, she would say this DIY Love Marquee Light.
I asked Kathleen about her blog:
How did Charm Bracelet Diva {at home} get it’s start (and it’s unusual name)?"
Ironically, it started out as a jewelry blog, but it quickly morphed into so much more!"
And where is your blog it headed?
"I'd like to blog more frequently and become a better photographer in order to enhance my blog readers' experience."
You can read more on Charm Bracelet Diva {at Home} or find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Lastly, and certainly not least is my partner in crime.. Kathe from Kathe with an E.
Her most popular post is her kitchen makeover, where she proves “less is more” when it comes to a kitchen backsplash.
Her personal favorite is this lovely vintage china tables cape. (I knew she would pick a tablescape as her favorite! Kathe is to tablescsapes as I am to mantlescapes! They are like our children.. we just love them!)
So, I asked Kathe about why she started blogging:
"My friends and family don't get me wanting to set pretty tables and hit the thrifts every week. So, I found blogging as a creative outlet and a way to share my hobbies with those that understand and like what I create."
And where does she see her blog going in the future:
"I plan to continue to grow and stretch my blogging wings. I really want to get into power tools if Mr. B will turn his back long enough!"
If you haven’t visited Kathe’s blog yet, you can do it here (of course you can also find her every Monday night, co-hosting her party with me). You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
Those are my first three featured bloggers. Over the next week or so I’m going to share some more wonderful blogs with you. Stay tuned!