Today's post is tribute to my dad (and ALL the fabulous dads and grandpas who touch our lives!)
I've always been close to my dad, and as I get older, I see him in myself more and more. He is the one who gave me the courage to be a DIY'r and he also showed me what it means to be a good parent.
This is my dad and me (the ONLY time you will see me in a bikini on the internet) feeding the ducks circa 1977.
He was there for me when I discovered boys! (Oh the humanity!)
He taught me how to hit a baseball.
He walked me down the aisle.
He was there for me when I had our first daughter...
..and our second.
And he was still there for me when our baby boy was born..
...even if he did compare the baby to a watermelon.
He taught me it was okay to fall asleep on the job.
I blame him for my dorky sense of humor (and my ability to install beadboard.)
I love that he is teaching my kids the same things..
How to catch a fish.
How to catch a pop fly.
Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty...
..especially when it isn't "girly" to do so. (Remember this project?!)

So on this father's day I want to tell my dad how great he was (and still is) as a dad and a grandpa. I love you with my whole heart. I know I don't say it enough, and I know sometimes you probably wonder (like when I never call!), but I do. You are doin' good! I'm blessed and honored to call you my dad!