s Gift Ideas for the 2nd Time Mom (or Third..Fourth..) - The Kim Six Fix

Gift Ideas for the 2nd Time Mom (or Third..Fourth..)

What to buy for a mom who already has children. Gift giving to non-first time moms can be tricky, and this list of gift ideas will ALWAYS be useful.
As a mom of three kids I have a lot of experience with gifts for new moms.  As our family grew and grew I became really familiar with all the “stuff” that babies require.
Baby e
With baby one, I was all about the registry. When requesting gifts, I asked everything I thought I needed, from wipe warmers to bouncy seats. Some of those items were more useful than others, but it was easy to come up with a gift list.

With baby two, I was a little wiser.  We already had the basics, and reused a lot of the stuff.  Stroller, crib, car seat, clothes, bottles.. but we did ‘upgrade’ a few items (like moving from an audio baby monitor to a video monitor, or adding a jogging stroller along side the regular and umbrella strollers)
PicklesBy baby three, I felt like I didn’t ‘need’ anything.  And even though my third baby was a different gender than the first two, there was still very little I could put on a ‘wish list’ for when people asked what they could get us as a baby gift.   But in hindsight there are always some great gift ideas that moms can use no matter if their new addition is their first or their fifteenth.

In the past I’ve shared ideas for a Pregnancy Survival Kit and Baby Shower Gifts, but not all new moms need that stuff.  Some of us more ‘seasoned pros’ have a much shorter list, but it doesn’t mean these things are practical or much appreciated.

I’m calling it the “Experienced Mom Survival Kit"
Thanks to Sam's Club® for sponsoring today's post.
Experienced Mom Survial Kit

1. Diapers
This probably goes without saying, but every new mom cannot get enough diapers.  Even if you have ’stocked up’ with diapers before hand, you never expect to go through them as quickly as you do.  We love Huggies diapers, and I would recommend buying the largest boxes you can find the size larger than the baby is right now.  A size they can grow into.  That way the new mom is prepared for when the baby grows out of their current size diaper.   You can get the big boxes at Sam’s Club for a great low price.
Buying diapers

2. Wipes
You also shouldn’t forget the baby wipes!  Even non-moms love baby wipes, and you can never.. i mean NEVER EVER.. have enough.  Forget the baby, I’m still using baby wipes for clean ups with my nine year old!  I would love it if someone gifted me a case of wipes.
Baby wipes

3. Baby Toiletries 
Another ‘consumable’ gift idea for new moms are baby toiletries.  Things like baby wash, baby shampoo, diaper rash cream, baby powder and even diaper pail refills (like those used in a Diaper Genie) are often overlooked.  We love and use Johnson & Johnson brand baby wash and the no more tears formula is not only great for the baby, but also the older kids.
Baby Shampoo

4. Detergent
One thing that moms of multiple kids have A LOT of is laundry.  It is amazing how much laundry little people can make. Many moms love baby-specific laundry detergent (like Dreft) which isn’t always easy to find.  By buying large (100+ load) sized laundry detergent bottles, you can save a new mom a last minute trip to the store.   Once again, Sam’s Club is the best place to find it.
Baby detergent

5. Books
You can never have too many books.  By your second (or third or fourth) child, your original board books that you used with baby number one are typically really beat up.  I love when the giver personalizes the front of the book with a handwritten message.   I have some of our original books with loving messages scribbled on the first page, and it is so great to share them with the kids, now that they are older.   Childrens books

6. Sippy Cups & Child Sized Dishes and Utensils 
Once the baby stage is over kids move from a bottle to sippy cups and self-feeding.  Similar to the laundry issue, a new mom has a never ending sink of dirty dishes.  Giving her a few extra sippy cups (right now our 2 year old loves Nubys) or extra non-breakable kids dishes and utensils, can let her go an extra day before needing to unload the dishwasher. 
Sippy cups

7. Non Infant Sized Clothing
First time moms are often inundated with the darling little 0-3 and 3-6 month cutsie outfits.  But those types of clothes tend to not get worn out.  Babies grow so fast, and you can usually reuse all those little sleepers for your additional children.  Where you do run into a need is the larger sizes. Size 2T and larger is when kids really become rough on their clothes.  Surprising a mom with a basketful of larger clothes the baby can grow into   We found this super cute “Digger” sleeper by Carter’s at our Sam’s Club.  I can already tell it is going to be a favorite of the baby! Baby sleeper
 8. Treats for Older Siblings
One of the hardest things about brining a new sibling home is keeping the older kids from feeling left out.   The fastest way to a new mom’s heart is showing her other kids a little love.  A great idea anytime you get a baby gift is to also get a little something for the older siblings.  Sam’s Club has a great selection of the most popular toys for kids of all ages (including everyone’s favorite: LEGOs!) which means you can pick them up when you are getting your other gifts!
Gift ideas for second time moms

9. Treats for Mom
Along that same vein, sometimes the best “new baby” gift isn’t a baby gift at all.. but a gift for mom. Giving her A mani-pedi, a trip to the coffee shop (while you watch the kids) or even offering to bring over a meal can help a new mom
Mom planner calendar

10.  Gift Cards 
if you aren’t comfortable with any of the previous gift ideas (if you aren’t sure what a new mom actually needs), I have the ultimate gift that will allow a new mom to get whatever she wants.  A gift card for her own Sam’s Club membership:
Sams club membership gift card
For only $45 you can give her unlimited access to all the bulk sized bargains she will need for a growing family. The larger sizes help bring down the per unit cost on both nationwide brands as well as the high quality private Sam’s Club labels.
Baby care aisle of sams club
Not only can you find great deals on Baby essentials, but also on groceries and other household goods.  Plus with their free standard shipping or curbside pickup services, a new mom can spend more time focusing on the family, and less time standing in line. Plus you can even receive products you use over and over automatically with Sam’s Club’s subscription service.

And, for a limited time, if a mom joins through THIS LINK, they are eligible to receive $80 in new member savings.  It is the gift that keeps on giving!
So look no further for gift ideas for experienced moms!  Sam's Club has you covered! 

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