s Cafe de Miel: Coffee with Milk and Honey - The Kim Six Fix

Cafe de Miel: Coffee with Milk and Honey

Cafe de Miel: Coffee with Milk and Honey.  A spanish and french coffee house speciality, with the perfect blance of rich creamy sweetness

If you have followed my blog (or found me anywhere on social media) you know I am a hard core coffee drinker. And whenever I travel I love to try all the different versions of local coffee drinks.

Every country has their speciality, or at least an interesting flavor variation.  From strong dark Italian espressos to the light creamy German Milchkaffee or French Cafe Au Lait there are so many wonderful ways to drink coffee.. and today’s recipe is no exception.

I discovered Cafe de Miel (Café Miel in French) via a Spanish coworker and I knew it would be a perfect way to showcase Honey granules.  Cafe de Miel (or Coffee with Honey) is a sweet and slightly spicy drink, which is lightened up with the addition of milk or cream to also make it rich and creamy.  In Spain it is most often a dessert drink (like an after-dinner coffee) but as a fan of sweet coffee I could drink it all the time.
Coffee with milk and sugar
If you are a pumpkin spice fan, this would be something you would definitely enjoy.   And although honey is a flavor profile more typically associated with tea, it pairs wonderfully with the other spices and tempers the bitterness of the coffee. Coffee with honey granulesCafe de Miel, which can be prepared batch wise or (as I am presenting it) in an individual cup would be a fabulous addition to a Sunday morning brunch or along a light breakfast.

The standard recipe is simple, and obviously can be adjusted to taste:
Ingredients for cafe de miel
1 cup hot coffee
1/4 cup whole milk or half and half (you could obviously lighten it up with low or non fat milk)
2 Tbsp honey granules or liquid honey
1/8 tsp vanilla extra
1/8 tsp cinnamon
pinch nutmeg

You may have noticed I’m using Honey Granules instead of traditional honey.
Tea party with honey granules
That is because when served to each individual, honey granules (which are pure honey and cane sugar) are easier to measure, and less messy.  (Plus unlike liquid honey, they won't crystalize on you!)

The honey granules are used in place of liquid honey in this recipe at a 1:1 ratio (if you are using them as a honey substitute in baked goods, you would also have to add 1/4 Tbsp water for every 1 Tbsp of honey you are substituting for.)
Adding honey granules to coffeeThey dissolve easily in the warm coffee, which I then cool with the addition of the milk.. and finally a sprinkle of the spices.
Coffee with milk
Stir and enjoy!
Coffee with honey
It really is delightful.
Coffee with milk and sugarOf course living in a warmer climate, I love my coffee beverages iced.  This is NOT a traditional way that Cafe de Miel is typically served, but I think it translates wonderfully.  Making it in large batches, storing it in the the fridge and pouring over cups of ice is a wonderful refreshing way to start my morning:
Iced Cafe de Miel: Coffee with Milk and Honey.  A spanish and french coffee house speciality, with the perfect blance of rich creamy sweetness
So if you have never tried Cafe con Miel (or even heard of it) I would suggest you give it shot.  You may just get addicted!
Cafe de Miel: Coffee with Milk and Honey.  A spanish and french coffee house speciality, with the perfect blance of rich creamy sweetness

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