s My Cat is An Angel (at least for Halloween) - The Kim Six Fix

My Cat is An Angel (at least for Halloween)

Cat in angel costume
I have to start this post by saying.. I LOVE my cat.  Seriously, she is my first baby. She is a shelter cat, which is something I feel so strongly about.  It was fate that we found her.. and the idea of what may have happened to her if we hadn’t taken her home back on that cool October day 9 years ago makes me weepy.

She sleeps in my bed every night, and she is actually sitting along side of me while I compose this post.  She comes when I call her name and even knows how to play fetch with rubber bands (I can shoot them across the room and she brings them back to me!) I’m convinced she thinks she is a dog.  She once walked with me (about a mile) to the coffee shop, waited outside for me to come out and then walked back home.  (I now keep her locked in when I go out so she doesn’t do that!)

So when Safeway hit me up to write a post about my dressing up my cat (and to sharing the Hairy ’N Scary Foto contest where the winners will receive thousands of dollars in donations to their local non-profit animal shelter, along with hundreds of bags of Purina ONE® and Purina® Cat Chow®) I jumped at the chance.  I mean, she is my little angel.. and this is so great for our local animal shelter..  what could possibly go wrong?

Famous last words.
Cat halloween costume
For the contest, Safeway customers (that would be me!) just need to post their photos of their pet(s) (that would be my cat!) onto a Fan Reel page. The winners will receive a $250 donation in their name along with ten bags of Purina ONE® dog food and Purina® Cat Chow®  to their local non-profit accredited animal shelter or rescue.

So of course I ran out and found a costume, and it was ONLY fitting that I decided on an Angel.  (It is actually a costume harness designed for small dogs.. like a Chihuahua.. I couldn’t actually find a cat costume.)
Angel wings for cat costume
I now realize why they don’t sell cat costumes at the same frequency that sell dog costumes.  My cat was not exactly ‘enthusiastic’ about getting dressed up.  In fact, she was pretty much apathetic about the whole thing.
Sleeping angel catSo I thought.. Wouldn’t it be cute if the kids got into the act too.. so I dressed up the 9 year old in a very appropriate costume. (If you have you dealt with a tween lately.. you’ll get that joke):Angel and devil costumes
And then (this is where I got ambitious and the whole thing fell off the rails), I thought “well.. she doesn’t hate it. Maybe I’ll do a little DIY project and add a halo!”

I made a halo out of some romex wiring I had in the garage.
Diy angel halo for kitty
And of course.. had to add a little glitter.  (Everything is better with glitter)
Adding glitter to halo
And I twisted it onto the back of the harness. Angel halo on cat
Well.. it was too heavy and so the whole thing kept sliding forward and bonking her on the head.   At this point, she had enough!  She was no longer an angel.. but a really irritated cat.
Fallen angel cat
Adorable costumed pet photo shoot OVER!

But in the end it didn’t really matter, since I have a photo to submit to the Hairy ’N Scary Foto contest.. and someone is going to win the donation thanks to Safeway® and Purina®.   And I can’t wait to see what everyone else submits. Hopefully they all come out unscathed!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Albertsons Safeway. The opinions and text are all mine.

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