This is what I ended up building and I’m so excited with how it turned out.
It fits perfectly into his room, with the blue grey color and the best part is that it has a full sized pop-up trundle underneath for if we ever have sleepover guests!
Plus adding the light makes it even more special.
The design is inspired by this bed I found on Post Tots. The original $2000 price tag was a little rich for my blood. Especially since it wasn’t as nautical as I wanted.
However seeing the simplicity of it, I knew I could create my own version. That is when I started looking around at projects from my favorite building bloggers and found this design by Elisha at Pneumatic Addict (The full plans are on the Home Depot blog and I just modified it a little to fit my specific needs)

The head board and footboard had flowers and butterflies, and I knew I couldn’t reuse them, but the actual mattress support was fine. It just needed legs and a head board and footboard.
Here you can see how I used the old frame with a couple of bolts onto the new headboard and footboard.
Click through for the process of actually constructing the bed:
I’m not sharing exact measurements since it was all based on the existing frame. My measurements were slightly different than Elisha’s but it you were building your own version, you would want to use plans like this version from Ana White.
As for the color, I first primed everything using my Homeright FinishMax and Zinsser Primer.
I ended up choosing Nautical Star (but Pittburgh Paint) as the perfect paint color. It is a grey but up against my navy and blue walls it looks quite blue.
I made sure the bed was tall enough so that it could accommodate a pop up trundle (which was originally under the butterfly bed). What is so great about it is that it is on springs so it is full height once it pops up. It is perfect since we often have to use this room for guests.
The bedding set also came from Joss and Main (They sell a really inexpensive similar one at Target). I loved that this one is trimmed with Jute, which matches a lot of other features in the room. The sheets, which feature architectural schematics of sailboats came from Homegoods.
He loves his new ‘big boy’ bed and doesn’t want to sleep anywhere else. And I’m really proud that I could build it for him. I know he will be using it for a while!