s Desk Organizer from a Single 1x3 Board - The Kim Six Fix

Desk Organizer from a Single 1x3 Board

Desk supply organizer build

Beginning woodworkers area always on the lookout for projects that are easy to build, not super expensive to make (since if you screw up you don't want to have to buy hundreds of dollars of lumber to start again) and give you a chance to get a feel for the tools in your shop. Today's project hits ALL of those requirements.

When I saw this desk organizer originally on OhOhBlog I knew I could make my own version and change it up a little to give me an excuse to use a few more tools.  If you don’t have a router or a drill press, you can swing by her blog to see a few alternatives to put this build together, but if you are like me and looking for excuse to buy. more TOYS in the workshop, this is the build you’ve been waiting for.
Easy DIY desk organizer from a single board A great starter woodworking project

The organizer itself is pretty awesome too. I actually may keep mine IN the shop so I have a place to store my pencils and note pads along with a safe spot for my phone.
You could do an unpainted version if you wanted it to be a little more“workshoppy”. (Is that even a word?)

Okay, Let’s get started!
Here is a quick video overview of how it went together:
Now for the details:

Easy Wooden Desk Organizer

1x3 cut into (3) 14-in lengths
Miter Saw (this is the one I have.. but you should read my opinion on it first)
Wood Glue (I used Elmers but I actually prefer Titebond )
Bar Clamps (Irwin are my absolute fave type)
Drill or Drill Press with 3/8” Forstner Bit. (This is the set I use and like.. especially for only 20 bucks!)
Router with ¾” straight bit
Random Orbital Sander (this is the one I use and this is why I love it)

Cut 1x3” into three 14 inch lengths (or however long you want your organizer to be)
Cutting down 1x3 board

Glue two boards together using wood glue and bar clamps.  Allow to dry completely.

Glueing boards together
Drill through glued boards with 3/8” drill bit.  Go all the way through if possible.. so the pencils/pens have room to sit down in there)
Drilling wooden desk organizer
Cut glued boards down into four segments approximately ½” wide.  Remove ONE segment and then space remaining segments evenly.
Making a mail organizer out of wood
Glue the segments down, aligning them to the remaining 18 inch piece of 1x3.  Use a scrap board to put even pressure along entire length.
Clamping glued wood blocks

With a plunge or table mounted router, create a a ¾ “ channel down the center of the other end of the block.
Stand for telephone ouf of wood
Sand the surface of entire organizer.  Wrapping sandpaper around a pencil allows you to get into the holes and slots.

Sanding desk organizer
And here is the finished product if you want it unpainted.  I kind of like the layered look of the wood.
Desk organizer from single board My goal was copying the original though, so I painted it with craft paint, which is pretty cute.
Wooden desk organizer
This was a super easy, single day project.. a great excuse to get out into the workshop and get my hands dirty! 

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