This year my 5 year old is OBSESSED with LEGOs and so that was the theme he wanted for his school Valentines.
This is what I came up with:

A lego minfig on a card featuring the phrase “When you are my Valentine everything is awesome"
Cute right? Especially cute when you make dozens of them:

Every valentine has a different character (wouldn’t it be cute if you matched the mini-figs with the recipients? I wasn’t patient enough for that.. but you could!)
The printable itself is pretty simple:

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Next I used double stick foam to attach the minifigures to the card.

I know LEGO brand mini-figures can be expensive. But I actually used some off brand bulk figures for less than $1 each. But you can get authentic LEGO minifigs on Amazon for about $2/each)

I think these are pretty darn cute.. how they came together. I guess you could say EVERYTHING is AWESOME about our Valentines this year!
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