s Lace Eyelet Inspired Ceiling Border - The Kim Six Fix
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Lace Eyelet Inspired Ceiling Border

Eyelet inspired wall treatment
This post brought to you by FrogTape. All opinions are 100% mine.

I mentioned in a previous post that I wanted to update the girls room, and one of the things I wanted to do was a wall treatment inspired by some eyelet lace I had in my sewing stash:

I knew I could stencil something all along the top of the wall, but when I realized the scallops along the bottom of the lace were mimicked perfectly by FrogTape's Shape Tapeâ„¢ in Scallop, I knew it would be so much easier:
Frog tape scallop
This is the room ‘before’:
Girls bedroom before

I first made a few mock ups to see how I could get the eyelet look with the Frog Tape Scallops:
Testing out eyelet patterns
I wanted to put the border up at the ceiling to help make the ceilings look taller and I had to decide just how wide I wanted it.
How wide to paint border
Spoiler:  I ended up settling on 4 inches since that will allow me to install crown molding (later on down the line) and still show the eyelet design. I didn’t want to do all this work and then cover it up with crown.  The pink from the wall color appears to ‘show through’ the border: Lace border painted
So how did I get this look?  It was really simple.  The entire project took me one afternoon.

First I taped the border off along the ceiling (I used a wooden block when taping in order to measure the distance from the ceiling.) I used less than one roll of tape for the entire room. Because there is a backing material on this tape (it isn't on a roll like traditional tape) it was so easy to use, since you you could peel off half the backer (the paper is slit down the center) and then position it before peeling off the remainder of the backer:
Taping scallopped border
Next I pre-painted the wall color over the seam of the frog tape.  I have orange peel wall and the texture is notorious for paint seepage.  Sealing the tape with the wall color has always helped with that. Pre painting border with wall color
Next I painted on the border color.  I used the same paint I used for the board and batten.  (Martha Stewart’s Glass of Milk). I used semi-gloss since that is what I had, it does give a reflective finish to the border:
Taping and painting border
I needed two coats to cover the pink, and when I peeled up the tape I was THRILLED with the fact there wasn’t  a single area that required a touch up.

The paint lines were super sharp, even on the textured wall.  I knew that FrogTape® touts it's PaintBlock® technology, but seeing it in practice is amazing,  The tape is coated with a polymer that forms a gel to prevent seepage, and clearly it works:
Beautiful crisp paint linesAt this point I loved it so much, I considered just leaving the scallops (if you are considering this wall treatment, leaving a scallop border is a simple (less than 2 hours) project.
Scallopped border
They were so adorable, but they weren’t ‘eyelet’ so I pressed on.  I used some stencil template material and ran it through my silhouette with the little ‘tear drop flower’ design I picked from my list of mock ups.  The FrogTape® scallops are on a one and a half inch repeat, which made it easy to design/cut the stencil:
Cutting stencil template with silhouette
I left the tape on the stencil in order to line up the holes in the exact same place along the paint line. Because the border was freshly painted, I used regular FrogTape® to attach the stencil to the wall:
Stenciling borderThis was the longest part of the project, but I did the entire room in under an hour (moving the ladder was the worst part):
Painting faux crown molding
And here is the finished look:
Painted eyelet border
I rehung the curtains lower than I typically would, but I wanted to feature the border:
Eyelet border
Here is a shot from farther back. It is harder to see the eyelet, but you can tell how it changes the appearance of the ceiling height and helps balance the board and batten:
Adding border to ceiling
I am not sure who loves it more.. Me or the girls:
Lace ceiling border

Plus this isn't my only Shape Tapeâ„¢ project.  I have used the "wave" pattern on these stenciled curtains in the baby's room.

And recently used it here when stenciling a some burlap I made into patriotic stars.

I think it is a great product, and encourage you to follow FrogTape® on Pinterest or Twitter to be inspired by all the amazing things you can do with it.

Do you have ideas for what you would do with Shape Tapeâ„¢?
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  1. Seriously cute Kim!! I am certain the girls are gaga over it :-) I will be looking for the tape for the guest bedrooms!

  2. Love it Kim... I am a lover of eyelet and this is so adorable for a little girl's room... Cathy

  3. I love how the fake eyelet came out, and the changed window curtain really works too.

  4. Melissa@thehappiehomemakerJune 18, 2014 at 10:52 AM

    This is such a cute idea, I love the way it turned out!!

  5. Evelyn @ My Turn for usJune 18, 2014 at 12:27 PM

    I am loving this stuffs!! Totally pinning!!


  6. Love this and would love to try it somewhere in my house. pinning

  7. Thank you so much @Evelyn @ My Turn for us!

  8. Ha! Yeah, I don't think my husband would dig it in his man cave, but perfect for little pre-tween girls!

  9. Thanks @Jeannie Clemens. I totally agree. It helps the border be the star of the show.

  10. Shape tape is the coolest!! Love how this turned out!! :)

  11. That shape tape is awesome! Love the difference it made in the room!

  12. The lace boarder really made a difference to the room. It looks lovely. Wonderful job.

  13. Love, love, love eyelet lace - this border is gorgeous! Nice job, Kim!

  14. This is exquisite! PERFECT for a little girl's room! And I do love some frog tape!

  15. Oh my, this looks amazing! I love it!

  16. It looks so pretty! I like how it brings architectural detail an height to the room. I like the curtains too ;)

  17. Oh my how cute! What a great idea and that tape is awesome!

  18. OBSESSED!!! <3 It looks so good. I'll definitely recommend this to my friend who's got a little girl that turns one on Friday. I'm so impressed!


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